Monday, September 2, 2019


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You! Yes, you, the one who read this. Because you are here, you are now a certified citizen of the net or I can call you "netizen", but before that you are described as actively involved in online communities like Facebook, Instagram, twitter, youtube and many more.

For some research, The term commonly also implies an interest and active engagement in improving the Internet, making it an intellectual and a social resource, or its surrounding political structures, especially in regard to open accessnet neutrality and free speech. The term was widely adopted in the mid-1990s as a way to describe those who inhabit the new geography of the Internet. Internet pioneer and author Michael F. Hauben is credited with coining and popularizing the term

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But how could a good netizen become more responsible even there are many who don't do good manners and orderliness in the Internet world. Here are some tips on how you can act as a netizen:

  • You should always be sensitive about what we don on the Internet because it can affect and hurt others.
  • Express yourself in a good way were everyone can reach on you and have respect for each of everyone on the net.
  • Be polite, it is always the important thing that we should carry.
  • Use your common sense everything you do, always remember, "THINK BEFORE YOU CLICK"
  • Privacy is a must, in order to have a smooth sailing experience we should know and value everything in the net.
  • Not all information about you must not be exposed to the public dispose of, we should know what to SPILL and CONCEAL.
  • Do not judge other people even we have the freedom to speak publicly.
  • Keep in mind that the Internet is a public way of communication, we should uphold our morals and values because by this we can show who we are.
  • "Don't do unto others, what you don't want to do unto you"
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These are just some tips that can help you how to be a responsible citizen of net. Reading this is such a fun part where we can learn also we can enjoy our time using it. That's why as a responsible netizen, we should always think about what is best, what is right, and what is important. Always bear in mind a true Netizen always think before clicking.

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